
Are Serpents Dragons?

When people hear the word Dragon, they generally think of 2 different kinds: The long royal Asian Lung, or the 4 legged winged fire breathing beast of the west. But most dragons across the world(Europe included) are actually nothing more than fantastical giant serpents.

Take for example the English Lambton Worm, the European Knucker Dragon, Apep, the Rainbow Serpent of Australia, Asain Lungs, the nordic Nidhoggr, the Biblic Leviathan, or the Mesopatamian Tiamat. All of them are simply great serpents but we classify them as Dragons!

So is the public image of a Dragon actually the most common one?



Serpents are basically nothing more than fantastical snakes. While this may not be what most modern people picture, most dragons in mythology are nothing more than great snakes. Take the Leviathan for example or Tiamat.



Wyverns are dragons that have two legs, and two wings. While not the most common, they can be found on European crests. In a modern world you'll see them in Peter Jackson's Hobbit series, or the dragons in Game of Thrones.



A great creature with 4 limbs and 2 wings. What most people picture when they think of a traditional European dragon. And yet, traditionally this dragon is exceptionally rare. George's dragon is one of the few. In a modern world you'll see them in Dungeons and Dragons or Dragonheart.