

A beast with a lion's head, a turtle-shell back, six bear paws, and a serpent's tail stands with the feet of a human sticking out of it's mouth

Dragon Summary

Region of Origin
The Tarasque was a legendary fearsome man-eating dragon-like mythological hybrid from Provence,France. In stories it was tamed by Saint Martha. A rather unusual looking dragons, it had a lion-like head, a body protected by turtle-like carapace(s), six feet with bear-like claws, and a scaly tail like a serpent's tail. There is still a festival in modern day to celebrate it.


Neo-Assyrian cylinder seal impression as a possible depiction of Marduk standing atop and slaying the serpentine Tiamat.

Dragon Summary

Region of Origin
Tiamat, the Sea Serpent Dragon of Mesopotamia, is a primordial goddess of the sea. She is both a is a creator goddess and the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos. She gives birth to the first generation of deities, and is slain by the Storm-God Marduk. Marduk then form the Heavens and Earth from her body.